Monday, October 11, 2010

Discover How Cat Trees Can Protect Your New Furniture By Julie S. Montgomery

Contrary to what many people believe, cats don't shred furniture, wood or carpets because they're vindictive or angry - at least not all the time. Likewise, they aren't sharpening their claws on your couch or carpet. Cats that claw in this manner are actually grooming themselves, working to shed the extra sheath that is wearing away. They're simply doing something natural. Shaggy carpet and the "catch" of your furniture upholstery strongly resemble the bark of a tree. It's this reason why cat trees can be so beneficial if you've got a weaponized kitty.
Cat trees offer the perfect play scape for cats, but they're not just for playing and maintaining some kind of exercise. A functional cat tree can go a long way toward the overall health and wellness of your cat. While it may be surprising to some, a cat's ability to establish territory plays a big part in their overall level of contentment. For example, a cat without a place to call their own can develop a variety of anxiety issues over a short span of time.
Part of the clawing process of your furniture and plush new carpet is a territorial need to establish what is theirs. While most people believe that cats mark their territory by spraying, they actually have scent glands in the pads of their feet. As they "claw", this scent transfers to the item or area as a means of letting other animals know - "This is mine."
Of course humans can't detect the scent; all we know is that snowball just shredded the corner of a new couch. This kind of incident can be avoided by investing in one of many varieties of cat trees for the home. This can give a cat the perfect space to groom their claws, apply their scent, and claim their rightful space as king of the mountain over your living area.
If you have a kitten (or multiple kittens) it pays to get cat trees for those pets quickly. Once a cat begins to mark an area and starts to work their claws on furniture or carpet it can be difficult to curb the habit. Early introduction to cat trees can ensure that your pets practice their grooming habits in a controlled environment, on furniture that didn't cost you a month's pay and a heart attack.
As a long-time pet owner, Julie is passionate about supporting animal health and wellness. As a board member of her local rescue league, she understands the value proper mental and physical stimulation offers indoor cats in particular. Julie's Siamese cats, Sissy and Missy, enjoy the indoor life thanks to cat towers and cat trees from Ace Cat Furniture.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Great Gifts For All Cat Owners By Robert Spadinger

Did you ever wonder what kind of gift you could provide to someone who is a cat lover? I agree, if you are not a cat owner yourself this is not an easy question to answer. After all, what else does a cat need than some food, a place to sleep and maybe a litter box? But who wants to give a pack of cat food cans or a litter box for his friend's birthday?
Now, let me provide you with some ideas that are a bit more original and fun than the ones mentioned above:
* Picture frames: That's always a good idea. All cat lovers like to have framed pictured of their little feline friends. You even could think about giving away one of those digital picture frames. That way, your friend could have an entire series of cat pictures displayed in one place. The only disadvantage of digital picture frames is that they are still a bit expensive. On the other hand, prizes have gone down quite a bit lately and now you can get the smaller format frames for about $15.
* Catnip: That's really a funny gift with a very special effect on your kitten. Catnip contains aromatic oils that make felines appear to be drunk and very hyper - which is always great entertainment for cat owners and guests. Catnip is made from a natural plant and absolutely safe for cats to consume. These kind of substances are also often found in toys and playing balls.
* Books: All cat owners love cat books, yet most of them don't have any. That's a great opportunity for you to provide a nice surprise. There are hundreds of different books - just have a look at Amazon. You can buy books on the different breeds, on how to train a cat, on how to properly take care for a kitten... and on hundreds of other subjects.
* Hair Ball Remedies: Almost all felines have hairball problems. Fortunately, nowadays you can get various remedies to eliminate hairballs. Hairball remedies usually come in gel form and they are available in different flavors: malt, fish, chicken...
* Grooming Supplies: There exist all types of cat grooming supplies, such as: clippers, brushes and combs, which can help to make an already good looking cat look even greater. When you do a quick search on the Internet, you will be surprised how many different grooming products actually exist: Tear stain pads, herbal ear care, herbal shampoo, herbal conditioners, hair remover, fur busters, grooming gloves... and the list goes on and on.
As you can see, there are plenty of possibilities to make a cat owner and his or her feline friend happy. I hope, the gift ideas mentioned above will help you in choosing the right gift for your cat loving friends. shows you how you can protect your cat or kitten from the most common cat illnesses. Find also a wide variety of information on cat vitamins, cat breeds, cat caring and other subjects.