Monday, September 27, 2010

Benefits of Having a Cat Inside Your House By Karl Real

The relationship between humans and animals is indeed amazing. Even though humans and animals have different languages both of them managed to understand each other. The bond between a pet and its master is truly remarkable. It is so wonderful how a human being can understand the needs of his or her pet even though they have different ways of communicating with each other. It is also pleasing to know that animals can truly feel and appreciate the love of their masters towards them.
Almost every person in this world is willing to have a pet of their own. A pet is commonly a type of domesticated animal that lives together with its master. There are several types of animals that can be considered as a pet. It is not difficult to choose a pet if you are really willing and determined to have one. However you need to consider some important things before going to a pet shop. This is because there are some types of pets that are not suitable for your current condition.
The first thing that you need to consider before raising your own pet is yourself. You have to be sure that you can handle the responsibility of having a pet inside your house. You also need to consult the decision of your family. It would be great if you already have their approval before having your own pet because it will also help them to adjust for the future situation.
You should not also rush things up in choosing your own pet because it may lead to an inappropriate decision. You should also put your own schedule into consideration if you really want to have your own pet. You should also remember that raising and taking good care of a pet is a serious business. A pet requires your attention and your care at the same time for it to grow a healthy life.
One of the most common types of pet is a cat. According to psychologists cats have a unique way of elevating the moods of their masters. Most of time cat and kitten owners are women. According to some myths those individuals who have chosen cats to be their pets are prone to become old maids. The best thing about having a cat inside your house is that you will no longer feel all alone. Even though a cat is just a pet it can certainly comfort you when you feel down.
However you must not take your pet for granted. You must be responsible enough in taking good care of your cats or kittens. You must give your pet the care that it deserves. If possible you should treat your pet the way you treat yourself. You should not forget how to manage the needs of your cat. Just like other typical types of pets, cats are also prone to different types of diseases. In order for you to prevent your cat from having any forms of illnesses you must give it the necessary things for it to survive.
A pet completes a family. They are one of the reasons how a family and have a quality time with everyone. They unite the hearts of the family. Learn more about the psychological impact of cats and kittens. They might be small and helpless but they have a strong effect on the development of your child. Follow here for more details on how you can give the proper care for your pets.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Can Stress Out Your Cat? By Banko Stoianov

Cats, just as people, can have a very stressful life. Your cat doesn't have to worry about money like you, but there are many stressful moments. Actually, all living creatures experience stress at some point of their lives. The majority of kitty owners don't even realize that their lovely pets may be stressed but if the cat is under stress some behavior problems may occur. This article will provide information about the top five things that may stress your cat.
A new family member is really stressful for cats, no matter if it is a newborn baby, another cat or a person who is moving in to live with the family.
Holidays are also very stressful events for cats. Felines are animals that enjoy quiet and calm environments and if people like having parties during their holiday, their pet may get really stressed. Parties are associated with many people, loud music and noise - all these things are very stressful for cats. Have you ever notices that your cat hides somewhere when you have a party? You can help your pet by providing a hidden place of its own where can hide away from the noise without anyone bothering it.
Mobbing into a new home is also very stressful for the cat because moving means new environment for your cat, and cats don't like this. Most cats are really scared to have a new home. You can comfort your per by bringing its litter box, toys and bed from the old home.
Your beloved "family member" may be stressed by a change in the routine. If your routine changes somehow, the cat's routine will change, too. It sounds amazing, but changing your job can be very stressful for your pet.
If you have started working after a long time spent at home, your cat may be seriously stressed. You can try dangling your keys before you leave home and the pet will get used that you are getting ready to leave. Your pet will soon get used to the fact that you will leave your home every morning.
This kind of pet owners know that their pets love looking out of the window but this may also stress the cat. For example, in a strange cat passes by and marks the territory, this can be stressful for your cat because she can't get to the other cat. This situation can cause both stress and anger.
They are wonderful pets but they need attention, just like people. So make sure you pay enough attention to your cat to avoid stress and behavior issues in your beloved cat.
We at O2Cats have a large selections of cat trees, cat toys, cat scratching posts, cat beds furniture at lowest price online. We offer FREE Shipping and Quality Services.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keep Your Cat's Claws Where They Belong By Julie S. Montgomery

It is impossible to keep your cat from scratching but very possible to keep them from scratching on your furniture and walls. By providing them with appropriate places to work their claws you can keep you things untouched.
Scratching is an instinctive behavior that cats cannot refrain from doing. Not only is it something they enjoy doing, scratching is a way of marking and a form of exercise. Understanding why felines scratch should make it obvious why you can't keep them from do it. Some uneducated feline owners try to eliminate scratching by taking drastic measures, which can be harmful to their cats. Declawing is one of those measures and is not a recommended solution. Another ineffective solution is punishing the kitty in hopes they will "learn" to not scratch. The resolution to the problem is to provide your cat with their very own cat scratching post.
There is no excuse to not have one or several scratching posts if you have a cat as a pet, especially if it is an indoor only kitty. On their own, cat scratching posts are often small enough to fit into any room. If floor space is limited you can find some that are designed to hang from a doorknob or hook. But, they can also be a part of larger cat trees or cat furniture, which can be a little harder to place in a smaller home or apartment. Having these scratching areas scattered around the house is the most effective way to keep your feline's claws off your things. If you keep in mind that a cat in the wild would most likely choose a tree or stump to scratch on, you shouldn't have any trouble understanding why the sisal covered posts are usually a feline's favorite. One may think that because the arm of your sofa is shredded, they should be given a soft or plush scratching post. This is not so, the kitty was just making due with what was available and will, without a doubt, prefer a wood or sisal post instead.
Place different styles of cat scratching posts around your home and make sure they are secure, if your cat pulls it over and scares himself, he may not use it again. Once proper scratching areas are available for your cat, you can then try to modify his behavior. It may be a habit to walk to the sofa and dig in his claws, so you can remind him of his new and improved scratching areas. It wouldn't be surprising if you kitty stops destroying your furniture on his own, after all, the scratching posts are much more appealing.
As a long-time pet owner, Julie is passionate about supporting animal health and wellness. As a board member of her local rescue league, she understands the value proper mental and physical stimulation offers indoor cats in particular. Julie's Siamese cats, Sissy and Missy, enjoy the indoor life thanks to cat towers and cat trees from Ace Cat Furniture.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Fresh Guideline on How to Use Fresh Step Cat Litter By Uzma Shafiq

This brand has been on the market since 1984. The brand is famous for the cat litter products. An indoor box that is used by the cats to pass feces and urine is called a litter box. The filler that is made to use in the litter box is made of different materials. As we all know that cats have an instinct to pass the feces in soft dug materials. The litters are made in accordance to this instinctive inclination. Good quality litter is soft and loose. Get the one that makes you pet comfortable. This product is known for its quality. The brand has different types of litter that include fresh step clay litter, fresh step crystal litter and the fresheners and wipes for your cat. In case of the fresh step clay litter, it is promised by the brand that the litter will make your home smell good and fresh. Instead of filling the place with bad odors, this Fresh Step cat litter will keep the environment nice smelling.
This fresh step cat litter is able to absorb the odor because of the clay. It is also provided with the power of carbon that aids the clay in absorbing the moisture and odors. The granules of this litter are filled with fresh scents so when they are scratched by your cat, the granules will give off sweet scent. This fresh step cat litter has a special technology to stop the odor causing bacteria. Another cat litter is the one that is provided with crystals. This litter is five times more efficient than the clay litter. It is light weight and efficiently absorbs the moisture and odors. The unique shape that is given to the crystals minimize scatter and they are easily scooped out. They are soft for the cat's paws.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Taking Care of Kittens - A Wonderfully Tough Responsibility By Odessa Flores-Lemence

It is safe to say that a lot of people love dogs, though some others are just not the dog-lover type. They may prefer to pet turtles, birds, hamsters or maybe even wild animals, while some others, just loves cats or kittens. Personal likes and dislikes differ, but there is one thing that's certain: pets provide us with more than just companionship.
Kittens have wild instincts. However, they make wonderful pets. They are versatile, affectionate, intelligent, sociable and independent. Taking care of kittens may sound easy, but it requires a lot of responsibility. This responsibility leads you to raise various questions about caring for kittens.
Cat-proofing your home
Kittens are playful animals. So, cat-proofing is essential. Make sure your home is safe for the kitten. Always keep the doors of your dryer, cabinets and low cupboards closed. Kittens love to sleep in dark, warm places. They also love to nibble, run around and just play with anything. Keep them away from breakable valuables and don't leave things on the floor that might be hazardous to the kitten.
Milk, food, and drinks for kitty
Kittens generally have small stomachs. They need to eat every few hours, and they need to constantly have clean, fresh water available to keep them hydrated. A diet rich in protein, calcium, taurine, and other nutrients are good for cats. They may be fed with dry food, canned, or both, but don't give them dog food since it it not rich in taurine, which is good for their eye development and helps prevent heart disease. Cow's milk may be good for us but for kittens, it's a no-no.
Quality time with kitty
The first few weeks of a kitten's life should be treated as a very precious moment in your relationship. Cuddling, petting and playing with them is highly essential. Do not let your kitten play with your finger for it will only give her the idea of finger biting, scratching, and the like. Play with your kitten gently and enjoy her soft purrs!
Veterinary care
The first visit is important and critical because the vet will perform a hands-on physical exam on the kitten. Fecal float determines worm infestation. Kitten vaccination is crucial from the first few weeks of age. At about 9 weeks, the 3-way vaccine will be given. This is the modern method of giving a 3-in-1 shot against feline calicivirus, herpes virus and feline panleukopenia. Booster shots will be given at 12-14 weeks old. Rabies vaccine are only given when cats are at risk or in some areas required by law.
Caring for kitten may be tough, but the rewards are priceless. Companionship, constant love, acceptance, and reduces stress!
Taking care of kittens is a fulfilling experience. Choose from your favorite cute kittens and unravel the reality inside!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Responsibilities of Cat Owners By Banko Stoianov

Owning a cat is not just giving them food and playing with them from time to time. Before you get a cat home you need to fully understand your responsibilities in order to avoid future problems. The average lifespan of cats is approximately 15 years, so the relationship between the cat and the owner may last 20 years in some cases. If you understand that it means to take care of a cat, then this relationship will be calm and you will be able to avoid many problems.
The initial expenses of sheltering a cat may depend quite much. If the cat is a pure breed it may even cost $1000. If you get your cat from an animal shelter you will have to pay a fee of $100 - $150 but this fee usually includes vaccination and neutering.
Cat owners are responsible for providing their pet with proper medical care. There is cat insurance policy available which may be very good investment because you will not have to pay for unexpected procedures. But most often a cat owner will have to pay initially about $250 to vaccinate and neuter their new pet.
It is very important to provide your cat with comfort. If you have more than one cat at home, you need to provide each of them with their own litter tray, feeding bowl, bed and toys. Additionally, you will need to have grooming brushes, scratching posts and climbing posts.
A proper diet is also very important for the cat. Cats should be fed with food that is suitable for their age and physical condition. Incorrect food may cause diarrhea, teeth and urinary problems, as well as much more serious health issues. So, cats should be fed with wet food and dry kibble every day. And don't forget to give your per fresh water. Adult cats should be fed two times per day. It is recommended to leave small amounts of dry food for them all day long.
If your pet has long hair, you will have to brush the pet at least three times a week. This will prevent the matting of the fur and will reduce the amount of hair balls. Matting fur is a serious problem as it is painful and needs to be removed by a professional vet. In case you have a short-haired cat, you should brush it at least once a week.
Claws and their trimming is also an essential responsibility for cat owners. If you keep the claws of your pet well trimmed you will help you keep your furniture safe and sound because the cat will be less likely to use the furnishings as a trees with scratching posts. You need to check the claws each month and to trim them with nail clippers in order to keep them in good shape. You also have to provide one or more scratching posts for your cat.
Cats are prone to some parasites and the owner need to take care about that. You should treat your cat for flea and worms every month. Also, wipe the ears of the cat regularly to avoid the presence of ear mites.
Vaccinations are an obligation for the cat's health. There are three diseases you must protect your pet from: feline enteritis, cat flu and feline leukemia; they may have fatal outcomes. Cat owners should know that looking after a cat may cost about 21 dollars per week, if they don't have the right cat furniture (cat beds, cat trees, cat scratching posts and much more). In addition, this commitment requires a lot of time and attention. If you think you can't do all that for your pet, then it is probably better to not get a cat.
We at O2Cats have a large selections of cat trees, cat tree furniture, cat furniture at lowest price online. We offer FREE Shipping and Quality Services.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Myiasis in Cats

Myiasis in cats is one of, if not the most, horrifying conditions any owner will ever witness in their pet. Although most cases of this very troubling condition are considered mild to serious, some cases can be quite severe. It is severe enough; the sections of your cats skin that has died will have to be removed. If a significant amount of your cats skin has been severely infected, skin grafts may have to done as it damages can be that severe.
What is it?
Myiasis in cats has no gentle description as to what it is; maggots. There are actually two official definitions of myiasis; infestations of your cats tissue by fly larvae, or a disease that results because of this infestation. However you choose to describe it, it is still very horrifying, very gross, and much more harmful than a lot of owners actually understand. While it is widely held that maggots are extremely useful in research and can actually help some human infections, there is nothing further from the truth when it comes to your cat.
Maggots themselves are actually fly larvae that will feed on necrotic tissue, which is the death of a cell or group of skin cells that are the result of injury, disease, or another pathologic state. If your cat in exclusively an indoor cat, they have very little chance of contracting myiasis unless they come into contact with another infected cat. However, if your cat does go outside for even brief periods at time, they are considered at risk.
If you live in an environment that is damp and your cats skin remains moist for any extended period of time, they are especially prone to attracting myiasis or maggots. If your cat has any type of a wound that is draining, a bacterial skin infection, or has come into contact with urine or fecal that has become infested, they are now considered prime candidates for this horrible disease.
How is it spread?
Myiasis in cats are spread from numerous species of flies, however, the most common fly that affects cats are what are referred to as blowflies. The blowfly will lay their eggs and in some cases it can be hundreds of eggs, on or near the infected tissue, inflamed tissue, or the decaying tissue of your cat. They not only can very easily sense these areas of your cat, they are also extremely effective at attaching themselves. This larva is cone shaped and has very specialized mouth parts designed for this task.
Their mouth parts including hooks as well as suction type structures that immediately accomplish two things; they lap up the liquid on your cats skin as well as piercing the skin. Another very troubling aspect of these fly eggs is that they hatch within 24 hours after landing on your cat. After they have fed on your cat and have matured in size for a period of five to seven days, the maggots than leave your cat and enter the soil.
Types of infections:
The most common type infection with Myiasis in cats is what is referred to as cavity or wound myiasis. With this form of attack on your cat, they go after what is called artificial openings, such as wounds. However, they are also equally attracted to natural orifices such as your cats sinuses or their palate areas around the nasal passages. Cutaneous myiasis is also very common, and is a situation where the larvae are found either on your cats skin, or under their skin.
If this is the case, these maggots will cause intense itching in the skin that will also result in swelling. This is also referred to as a creeping eruption, and if it becomes severe enough, will require surgery to remove the maggots as well as to repair your cats skin. The third type of the infectious process is intestinal myiasis, and although it is very common in humans, especially children, it is very uncommon in cats.
Symptoms and treatments:
Myiasis in cats does not show a lot of symptoms, but those that do appear will be very definitive. The first sign to watch for that your cat may have maggots is the appearance of any moist skin areas, especially around any type of a wound. However, these signs may also appear at or near any place were your cat has come into contact with urine or feces. The key here is contact. The last set of symptoms is the actual identification of what looks like rice in these areas.
However, this is where the bad news really begins as they anything but rice; they are maggots. They can range in size form one quarter inch to as large as one inch and they also have one other very telling sign; there will be several of them as it is extremely rare for there to be just a couple.
The first form of treatment of myiasis in cats is to remove them physically. Although this may sound easy, it is extremely difficult. Maggots are very strong and as a result, it is very difficult to kill them. There are several very effective insecticides that can easily kill maggots, but if your cat has any type of immune suppressed system or weak at all, you may also kill them in the process.
Shaving the hair of your cat around the affected areas is the first step so you can examine the extent of the infestation. If it is a new infection and they are almost exclusively on the surface of the skin, you can remove them yourself. However, this is also extremely rare and in most cases you will see firsthand where they have become embedded a lot deeper than you suspect. If this is the case, you will need to seek immediate professional attention as the actual removal can take several hours.
However, there are a couple of other reasons removing maggots should always be left to your veterinarian. First, they are trained in the techniques and will have to use a very mild and safe insecticide throughout the process. After each application, they will thoroughly rise off your cat to protect them from the insecticide. After all of the maggots have been safely removed, your veterinarian is the only one qualified to make the next decision. 
If the infection is severe enough, they will let the infected skin die and then remove it. If the infection is extensive and a lot of your cats skin has been damaged, they will have to give your cat skin grafts. This can be quite expensive but it may be the only process that will save your cats life at this point.

Myiasis in cats, if caught very early, can safely be removed without a veterinarian. However, it the vast majority of cases most owners will have no idea their cats are infected until the symptoms begin to appear. By than it is too late and removal must be done by a professional. Sustained skin moisture in your cat, as well as inflammation or infection of any type is a literal calling card for maggots. However, as gross as this infection is, most cats survive without any real long term damages.
I am an avid lover of pets and my wife and I have had several pets throughout our years. We are especially fond of dogs, and we have a 12 year old Dalmatian (our 3rd) and a "mutt" that we rescued when someone threw him away to die in a vacant field.
He found us, nearly starved to death, and weighed about 2 pounds.
After severe bouts of mange and severe dehydration, and over 1,000.00 in veterinarian bills, we saved the little guys life, and he is one of the best, if not the best, dogs we have ever had and today is a muscular, fit, and firm 70 pound best friend.
After finishing my MBA, which at middle age was not easy, I decided to keep the research work ethics that I acquired, and devote about two hours each night in understanding the health benefits of supplementation for both humans and pets and how they might strengthen our, as well as our pets, immune system in a pre-emptive approach to health rather than a reactionary approach.
Both of my daughters are avid cat lovers, and asked me to help them with health concerns and challenges with their cats.
I am not a veterinarian nor claim to be, just a lover of pets that loves to research and pass on some knowledge that might be helpful, or at least stimulating to the thought process.
Several of the articles that I have written can be found on my website;
Liquid Vitamins & Minerals for Humans & Pets